He hates you. You have to get up. You can get out this time, but you have to hurry.
Where is your plush toy? Mine is Spring Bonnie. My Daddy says I have to be careful with him or I will pinch my finger. He is a finger trap, he says.
You'd better watch out! I hear they come to life at night. And if you die, they hide your body and never tell anyone. Why do you look so worried? See you at the party! Ha ha ha!
Aren't you the kid who always hides under the table and cries? Hahaha! No one else is scared! Why are you? Stop being such a baby!
Why are you crying? Don't you like my toy collection?
Are you going to the party? Everyone is going to the party. Oh wait, you have to go! It's YOUR birthday! Haha!
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