Before you is an animatronic found in the back alley.
We are unsure of its origins.
It is your job to complete the maintenance checklist before claiming it as salvage.
Or, if you choose to, you can throw it back into the alley where you found it and forfeit payment.
Please make your choice now.
・Throw it back into the alley
Don't forget Saturday. You want them all to be in one place.
[Maintenance Ends]
・Proceed with salvage.
You have chosen to proceed with the maintenance checklist.
Remember use your company issued taser to return the animatronic to a neutral state if you feel that it's becoming unstable or aggressive.
You can only use it three times before it begins to damage the animatronic and decrease its value.
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[Audio Playing]
Document results.
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[Audio Playing]
Document results.
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[Audio Playing]
Document results.
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[Audio Playing]
Document results.
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[Audio Playing]
Document results.
・Maintenance Failed
[Scrap Baby]
Did I catch you off guard?
・Maintenance Completed
You have completed the maintenance checklist and may proceed with the salvage.
Well done.
End tape.
[Scrap Baby]
You don't really know who your empoyer is do you?
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