Your restaurant is now officially open. awesome!
That doesn't mean your job is finished however.
You have a lot of work to do while patrons eat their Pizza in the other room.
From your terminal you have supplies to buy papers to print and repairs to make.
Once you've taken care of all the items on your to-do list, you can log off for the day and get out of there.
Money for supplies and repairs comes out of petty cash so don't worry about it coming out of your pocket, we've got you covered.
The only money you have to worry about is if you choose to upgrade any of the equipment in your office.
Now on to other matters, something to be aware of is that the ventilation system and your terminal are pretty loud and may prevent you from hearing things in adjoining air vents.
That will be a problem if there was nothing in the vents.
However, if you feel that something might be in the vents, you have a few tools at your disposal to protect yourself.
You can shut off your terminal and the ventilation system at anytime, to decrease the amount of attention you were drawing to yourself.
Also, shining your light directly into vents will most likely prevent anything from jumping out.
You also have three tools available from the terminal itself, there is a motion detector, on audio decoy, and a secondary ventilation unit.
Keep in mind however, that you can only have one of these active at any given time.
Now get to it, simply log off when you've completed your tasks for the day, and you can go get some coffee.
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