Top > Fazbear Frights 1

Fazbear Frights 1 の変更点

TITLE:Into the Pit (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #1)

&size(25){&color(#FFDD66,BLACK){Into the Pit (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #1)};};
&attachref(./81U2Hy3rvrL.jpg,20%,Into the Pit);
ハラハラする3つの短編を収録した、Five Nights at Freddy'sファンなら見逃せない一冊。
しかし、このFive Nights at Freddy'sの捻れた世界では、彼らの心の奥底の願望には予想外の犠牲が伴う。
この巻では、ホラーマスターScott Cawthonが手掛けた公式シリーズを、氏自身が全く別の視点から綴った3つの不吉な短編を収録。
読者への注意:この恐ろしい物語は、Five Nights at Freddy'sで鍛え抜かれたファンでさえも戦慄するには十分だ。
Five Nights at Freddy's fans won't want to miss this pulse-pounding collection of three novella-length tales that will keep even the bravest player up at night . . .
What do you wish for most? It's a question that Oswald, Sarah, and Millie think they know the answer to. Oswald wishes his summer wasn't so boring, Sarah wishes to be beautiful, and Millie wishes she could just disappear from the face of the earth. But in the twisted world of Five Nights at Freddy's, their hearts' deepest desires have an unexpected cost.
In this volume, horror master Scott Cawthon spins three sinister novella-length stories from different corners of his series' canon. Each story comes complete with accompanying artwork from fan-favorite game artist LadyFiszi, who brings the horror to life in startling new ways.
Readers beware: This collection of terrifying tales is enough to unsettle even the most hardened Five Nights at Freddy's fans. 
その第1巻として発売が決定した作品がこの「''Into the Pit (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #1)''」である。
著者はFNAFの生みの親である''Scott Cawthon''氏と、出版元でもあるScholasticの''Elley Cooper''氏。
その他、[[Twistedシリーズのイラスト>FNaF The Novel 2]]や[[FFPSの一部イラスト>ミニゲーム(FFPS)#x1965379]]も担当した''LadyFiszi''氏がアートワークを担当している模様。


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*コメント [#ebdf8ce2]

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