Comments/Sister Location のバックアップ(No.26)
op There's no telling what you achieved on a technical level these are clearly state-of-the-art there are just certain design choices that were made for these robots that we don't fully understand what we were hoping that you could shed some light on the house she does she didn't even check tips she takes critics she even dispense ice cream with all due respect those are the design choices we were curious about this draft night1 Or if this is the result of the dear we welcome you I will be your personal guide to help you get started I'm about five minutes robotics and unit repair system so you can call me hand unit career promises challenge intrigue endless janitorial opportunities please enter your name as seen above the keypad this cannot be changed later so please be careful It seems that you had some trouble with the keypad I see what you were trying to type and I will auto corrected for you welcome eggs Benedict You can now open the elevator using that bright red and obvious but let's get to work ダクト
まとめると パープルガイ=主人公だと思われてるのは
昨日カレーさんがニコ生で確定させたから見て来いよwww -- 2016-10-11 (火) 07:12:03
カレーはこれだからな -- 2016-10-11 (火) 17:26:02
そうだよ、全部夢だよ夢。はい終わり。 -- 2016-10-13 (木) 15:15:07
ってところかな -- NooNoo@初本家? 2016-10-13 (木) 17:27:06
何か最後スプリングトラップ居たような… アフトン誰やねん -- ことり⇔カゲサ? 2016-11-01 (火) 15:07:30