※※※ After Hours ※※※ のバックアップ差分(No.1)

  • 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。

JT Machinima氏作成による、警備員 対 人形達のMCバトル。
&color(#A74500){ほら午前12時だよ すっかり目が覚めたみたいだね&br;君の心は僕の物だ 壊してあげるよ&br;ほらウトウトしないで 遊ぶ時間だよ&br;もうすぐ君の命は僕のものさ&br;店が閉まって 僕らが狩りにやって来るとき&br;ここには子供達は残ってないんだ!&br;僕は昼と夜で違う顔を持ってるのさ&br;君は僕のもう1つの姿を見ることになるね!};
&color(#5AD){任せろよ 6時まで起きててやるぜ&br;別に驚くようなことでもない&br;ああ だが近づくんじゃねぇ ずっとそこでポーズを取ってろ&br;お前が気づく前に モーゼみたいに真っ二つにしてやるぜ!&br;希望はあるのか? 俺がその回路をぶっ壊さないようにってな&br;痛いんだろ? 俺の警備は完璧だ&br;毎晩だって生き延びてやるぜ!};
&color(#5AD){全部のドアに目を光らせて&br;電力が無いな もう使えねぇ!};
&color(#A74500){錆びた関節をウォーミングアップしないとね!&br;僕らの仲間になるんだ 選択権は無いよ!};
&color(#5AD){毎日毎日 同じ事を繰り返しで&br;給料を受け取れた数少ない1人になるぜ!};
&color(#A74500){カメラは回った ショーの始まりだ!&br;あの臭いは何? 君は知ってるでしょう?};
&color(#A74500){この夜を過ごして 君は給料を手にするんだ&br;この退屈な仕事が 君を墓に送らなければね!&br;閉店後の今 僕らは何が起きるかを知ってるんだ!&br;君は6時までそれを続けられるのかい?};
&color(#A74500){ねぇ ピザは好きかい?};
&color(#5AD){あ? コレがピザだと?};
&color(#A74500){ほら召し上がれ 君じゃ僕らには勝てないんだから!};
&color(#5AD){カメラは準備出来てる 俺からは隠れられないぜ!};
&color(#A74500){机を整理して 荷物は片付けて&br;マルチタスクは得意じゃないんでしょ?&br;人事に苦情を言ったって 一笑に伏されるだけだよ&br;こういうのかい? 「アニマトロニクスがハラスメントをしてきた!」&br;回路を壊す? 面白いジョークだね!&br;もう壊れてるのにどうやって壊すのさ!&br;夜勤なんて忘れて 昇進したいの?&br;予備のスーツならいつでも空いてるよ!};
&color(#5AD){バッテリーは少ないが まぁ問題は無いな&br;水が欲しいのか? 随分と乾いて見えるぜ&br;試すのは勝手だが 俺は傷つけられないぜ&br;着ぐるみに詰めてもいいぜ 俺にピッタリなんだろうな!&br;挑発のつもりか? ただのワルモノみたいだな&br;お前らなんかいつでも倒せる 背後には気をつけな&br;俺は解決法を探してるだけの ただの男だぜ&br;お前らもやれよ! お前らちょっとバグってるぜ!&br;俺はヤバいぜ お前らじゃ手は出せねぇよ};
&color(#A74500){この夜を過ごして 君は給料を手にするんだ&br;この退屈な仕事が 君を墓に送らなければね!&br;閉店後の今 僕らは何が起きるかを知ってるんだ!&br;君は6時までそれを続けられるのかい?};
&color(#A74500){ねぇ ピザは好きかい?};
&color(#5AD){あ? コレがピザだと?};
&color(#A74500){ほら召し上がれ 君じゃ僕らには勝てないんだから!};
&color(#5AD){カメラは準備出来てる 俺からは隠れられないぜ!};
&color(#A74500){ほら その安っぽいピザでも食べて!&br;そこに座って 足でも蹴り上げてリラックスして&br;僕らは君を残業させるよ&br;電話の向こうのお友達は死ぬことになるんだ!&br;君が準備出来てるかなんて関係無いよ&br;大の大人がこんなに怖がるところなんて見たことがない!&br;夜を過ごして チャンスを掴んで見せてよ&br;君が替えのパンツを買ってればいいけど!};
&color(#5AD){怖がってねぇよ 困ってんだよ&br;親の顔が見てみたいってなもんだ&br;ああ 親はお前が消えた後も ちゃんと心配してくれたのか?&br;お前はその着ぐるみの中で死んで 暗闇の中をウロウロしてる&br;俺こそが「噛み付き事件」だ&br;この頭脳と思考こそが俺の武器だぜ&br;レッスンを受ける準備はいいか?&br;"知らない人にはついて行くな"&br;修理が必要になるな 俺がバラバラにしてやるからな!};
&color(#5AD){お前らは所詮 大人嫌いなガキの集まりだ!&br;だから バカにするしか出来ねぇんだよ!};
&color(#A74500){大人は ここは子供達のものだって言うけど};
&color(#5AD){冗談のつもりか? その通りだろうが};
&color(#A74500){もう朝だ お別れだね&br;また明日も遊んでくれるかい?};
&color(#A74500){この夜を過ごして 君は給料を手にするんだ&br;この退屈な仕事が 君を墓に送らなければね!&br;閉店後の今 僕らは何が起きるかを知ってるんだ!&br;君は6時までそれを続けられるのかい?};
&color(#A74500){ねぇ ピザは好きかい?};
&color(#5AD){あ? コレがピザだと?};
&color(#A74500){ほら召し上がれ 君じゃ僕らには勝てないんだから!};
&color(#5AD){カメラは準備出来てる 俺からは隠れられないぜ!};
&color(#A74500){It's 12am, you're wide awake&br;Your sanity is mine to break!&br;Don't fall asleep, cuz it's time to play,&br;Soon it will be your life I take.&br;When it's closing time we come alive to prey,&br;on any girl or guy left inside the place!&br;I'm a different beast between night and day,&br;you're gonna see a brand new side of me!};
&color(#5AD){Trust me, I can stay up way past 6.&br;I'm not that surprised Imma live.&br;But don't get closer, I'm hoping you posers break down when it's over.&br;Before you will know it, I'll split you like Moses!&br;You robots will need some hope as I'm still flowing and blowing your ircuits.&br;It's hurtin' right? My security's perfect.&br;I'm living life surviving every night!};
&color(#5AD){Got my eye on every door,&br;power's low I can't use more!};
&color(#A74500){Warming up my rusty joints!&br;Join us now you have no choice!};
&color(#5AD){Same routine, night an day!&br;At least I'm the one who's getting paid!};
&color(#A74500){Cameras live, start the show!&br;What's the smell? I think you know!};
&color(#A74500){Just get through this and then you'll get your pay.&br;Unless this graveyard shift should put you in your grave!&br;After hours we both know what's goin' down!&br;Can you make it all the way till 6am rolls around?};
&color(#5AD){I'm gonna beat ya!(x2)};
&color(#A74500){Hope you like pizza!};
&color(#5AD){Ugh, you call this pizza?};
&color(#A74500){Bon appetit, bruh, you'll never see the end of me!};
&color(#5AD){My camera's up, you can't hide from me!};
&color(#A74500){This restaurant won't fit us both!};
&color(#A600C4){Which one of us is gonna run the show?};
&color(#A74500){Clean your desk, get to packing.&br;Unless you're an expert at multi-tasking!&br;Complain to HR, they'll all be laughing,&br;when you say, "Animatronic tried to harass me!"&br;Blow my circuits? You gotta be jokin'!&br;You cannot break what's already broken!&br;Forget the night shift, you want a promotion?&br;We've got a spare suit that's currently open!};
&color(#5AD){Batteries low but that doesn't concern me.&br;You want some water? 'Cause you robots look thirsty.&br;You can try but you won't ever hurt me.&br;You can stuff me in a suit, 'cause I know that I'm deserving!&br;Intimidating but you're actin' like the bad guy.&br;I'm always hunting you down, check your blind side.&br;I'm just a normal guy lookin' for a quick fix,&br;you should too! 'Cause you robots are a bit glitched!&br;I'm a big risk. You can never change this.};
&color(#A74500){Just get through this and then you'll get your pay.&br;Unless this graveyard shift should put you in your grave!&br;After hours we both know what's goin' down!&br;Can you make it all the way till 6am rolls around?};
&color(#5AD){I'm gonna beat ya!(x2)};
&color(#A74500){Hope you like pizza!};
&color(#5AD){Ugh, you call this pizza?};
&color(#A74500){Bon appetit, bruh, you'll never see the end of me!};
&color(#5AD){My camera's up, you can't hide from me!};
&color(#A74500){This restaurant won't fit us both!};
&color(#A600C4){Which one of us is gonna run the show?};
&color(#A74500){Have a slab of that crappy pizza!&br;Sit back relax and just kick your feet up.&br;We're pushing you into overtime,&br;and that friend of yours on the phone will die!&br;Don't matter how much you prepare,&br;I've never seen a grown man get so scared!&br;Stay the night, take a chance.&br;Hope you brought of change of pants!};
&color(#5AD){I'm not scared if anything I'm embarrassed.&br;Inherit these skills and where the hell are your parents?&br;Yeah, they're caring enough, when they left you transparent?&br;You wandered in the dark, in that suit is where you'll perish.&br;Yeah, I'm the bite of '87,&br;my brain and thoughts are my weapon,&br;you ready to learn your lesson?&br;Don't ever follow a peasant or stranger into the dark.&br;You'll need repairs, I'm tearing you all apart!};
&color(#A74500){You really can't be such a man,&br;if this was the best job you could land!};
&color(#5AD){You're a bunch of brats who hate adults!&br;So quit with the petty lame adults!};
&color(#A74500){They say this place was made for kids.};
&color(#5AD){Is that a joke? I think it is.};
&color(#A74500){We'll say goodbye at morning light,&br;wanna play tomorrow night?};
&color(#5AD){Actually, I'm kind of busy...};
&color(#A74500){Just get through this and then you'll get your pay.&br;Unless this graveyard shift should put you in your grave!&br;After hours we both know what's goin' down!&br;Can you make it all the way till 6am rolls around?};
&color(#5AD){I'm gonna beat ya!(x2)};
&color(#A74500){Hope you like pizza!};
&color(#5AD){Ugh, you call this pizza?};
&color(#A74500){Bon appetit, bruh, you'll never see the end of me!};
&color(#5AD){My camera's up, you can't hide from me!};
&color(#A74500){This restaurant won't fit us both!};
&color(#A600C4){Which one of us is gonna run the show?};
*コメント [#f53abd6f]

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