死亡すると極々稀にプレイできるミニゲームの一つ、フレディがパペット(のような何か)を追いかける簡単な物である。 プレイヤーはW A S D のキーを使用してフレディを動かしていく。(それぞれ上 下 左 右 に対応) パペットと共にある一定の部屋に着くと画面にノイズが走りゲームが終了する。 パペットに着いていかなければならないという事ではなく、プレイヤーの思うがままにマップを探索できる。
【海外wikiの説明(英語)】 The player controls Freddy by using the W, A, S, D (movement), up, down, left, and right keys (facing different directions), and seems to have to follow a figure resembling The Puppet. Once arriving at a certain room with the Puppet, the game abruptly cuts to static and ends. The player can choose not to follow the Puppet and instead receive an identical ending by encountering Golden Freddy at random, however sometimes resulting in an abrupt end to the mini-game following the red static then taking the player back to the title screen. While the player is walking, letters can be clearly heard called out at regular intervals, spelling out S-A-V-E-T-H-E-M. There are several variations of this minigame in which the player starts out in different rooms, those including the Office and Parts/Service. The Mangle also appears in a room near the bottom of the layout, where touching it will cause the game to end in red static.
Very rarely during this minigame, a purple figure will appear at the end of the room the player has entered. The figure will follow Freddy, until coming into contact with him. Blue static instead of red will then cover the screen, flashing the words "You can't" at the bottom left hand corner of the screen. The game will then crash.
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