ベンガル系インド人女性修行者、パラマハンサ・ヨガナンダ(Paramahansa Yogananda 1893-1952)の自伝、
『あるヨギの自叙伝』(Autobiography of a Yogi)からの抜粋と言われている。
(Omitted: Sir,) it is lamentable that mass agricultural development is (omitted: not) speeded by fuller use of your marvelous mechanisms.
Would it not be easily possible to employ some of them in quick laboratory experiments to indicate the influence of various types of fertilizers on plant growth?
You are right. Countless uses (omitted: of Bose instruments) will be made by future gener- (omitted: ations. The scientist) seldom knows contemporaneous (omitted: reward; it is enough to possess) the joy of creative (omitted: service.)
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